Welcome to My Personal Blog!

Indulge in Reading..


In a world where we are competing with machines for livelihood, are you looking for genuine humane experiences that you can relate to? Are you aspiring to escape the mundane routines of day in day out with rejuvenating life stories that you can connect with? Well, you are in the right corner of the World Wide Web. Welcome to Nithya Penspiration, my personal blog! Here, you will have unlimited exposure to a wide variety of personal experiences, influences, lessons learnt, path forward on diverse topics ranging from lifestyle, travel, technology, career, passion, networking and many more. 

Why Nithya Penspiration?

Throughout various phases of my life, I found myself seeking for realistic advices. While I was bombarded with a flock of advices, suggestions and to-dos based on facts, there were not many where the feelings aspect of the experience were factored in. And, I realized while each one of us are unique, our paths towards leading a happy and successful life correlate quite a lot. Hence, the reason behind the birth of Nithya Penspiration, an authentic personal blog where I share my stories based on facts and emotions. Whether you are here looking for guidance, or to clear your mind, or just tuned for a fun read, I hope you find it useful. If you have any questions, suggestions for improvement or just want to connect, send me a message

Once again, I welcome you to Nithya Penspiration! Enjoy the read..